5 Questions to Reinvent Your Morning Routine

Carpe Diam, seize the day, is one of my favorite adages. It is a value I hold, something to aspire to. This attitude begins first thing in the morning. I believe that how we start our day has a direct correlation with the value in the rest of our day. Thus, being intentional to develop a powerful morning routine is essential. 

Morning coffee

Over the last year, I’ve come to really enjoy Erik Fisher’s Beyond the To-Do List Podcast. One question Erik asks each of his guests is, “How do you start off your ideal day?”

His guests are efficiency addicts and achievers, experts like David Allen and Ray Edwards. I find their responses very intriguing because there really is no best morning routine.

The reality is, we all have morning routines. Some people just aren’t aware of them. However, if we want to seize the day, we should be aware of and intentional about our morning routines. This may lead to the need for changes.

I’ve found from time to time that my morning routine needs adjustment. Sometimes my schedule changes or my priorities do. Hearing how other high achievers start their day provides inspiration and ideas. From reinventing my own morning routine and helping clients do the same, I’ve found there is a simple step-by-step process to follow.

You can reinvent your morning routine by asking 5 guiding questions.

1. What Goal Do I Have For My Routine?

Since morning routines evolve over time, it’s best to check in on yours. Decide what goals you have for your morning routine. Is it to get out the door as quickly as possible? Is it to get some time in the alone zone to focus on an important project? Perhaps a goal for your routine is to spend a few quality minutes with the kids.

You can easily imagine that the routines for each of these examples would be wildly different. Your goals will guide you to a routine that best serves your individual lifestyle and purposes. My goal involves building momentum into my day, starting with what matters most.

2. What Are My Top Priorities?

While I see your goals as the outcomes, priorities are the bigger picture things that you value most. This is why some people exercise as part of their morning routine. It isn’t necessarily because it helps them feel more energized at work. Certainly, exercise can do that. More than likely, it’s because exercise and being healthy are things they value.

So, what are your top priorities, the things that you really value? To be clear, I’m talking about your priorities in life. What are the things that most deserve your time, effort and focus? For me, it is faith, personal growth, and family. Do those priorities deserve a place in your morning routine?

3. Does My Current Routine Match My Goals and Priorities?

This is your assessment question. How well does your current routine align with your morning goals and what matters most to you? First, build awareness of the routine you already have. This allows you to assess how well it’s working for you. I suggest writing down your routine in detail. For bonus points, put times for how long each piece takes.

When you then begin to assess how well your routine aligns with your goals and priorities, I’d imagine the answer isn’t black and white. Some may and some may not. The point is to see where you are.

4. What Would Be My Ideal Routine?

Now, it is time to dream a little. Not too many people I know can stick to the exact same routine, to the minute, everyday, with no exceptions. Schedules change. You’ve got an early meeting. Little Zoe is sick today. However, I find my answer to this question is filled with possibilities. Possibilities are exciting.

5. How Can I Align My Ideal Routine?

Your mission is to find the middle ground between your current and ideal morning routine. See how far you can inch toward the ideal. Of course, any time you aim to change something, the first thing to change is yourself. You may need to get up a little earlier. That was the case for me. You may have to rethink your leisurely stop at the coffee shop.

To get started is exciting. Initially, I wrote my reinvented routine out like a timeline that I referenced for a couple of weeks until it was ingrained. You may want to try that too.

If you’re curious about the morning routines of others, like I am, here is my current high-powered morning routine.

  • Glass of water to hydrate and jump start the body.
  • Cup of black coffee (programed to brew the night before).
  • Journaling to capture 3 Good Things and other thoughts.
  • Time with God (Bible reading, study and prayer).
  • A brief check of email, social media, article browsing (time dependent).
  • Shower and Dress.
  • Breakfast with the family.

Whether your focus is to get out the door as quickly as possible or to ease into your day, the key is to be intentional. A morning of focus, efficiency and high quality effort doesn’t come by chance. Give these 5 guiding questions a try and reinvent your morning routine. Carpe Diam.

As a bonus, you could apply the same 5 guiding questions for how you start your day once you get to work!

Question: What is one thing you could do to improve your morning routine? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
