Taking responsibility can be easier said than done. Blaming someone else or external circumstances can be a way to deflect ownership, soften mistakes, and protect an individual’s ego.

I once heard that the hardest person to lead is yourself. I’d never seen leadership in that way. However, since that day, I have proven the concept to be true. I am my toughest leadership challenge. Others have said you must first lead yourself before you can lead others. So, are you leading yourself well? Where do you start?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.”
This quote from Aristotle is one of my favorites. Habits form the foundations for how we live, work and play. Whether or not we’re intentional about them, our habits shape who we are becoming. Where are your habits leading you?
No one sets a goal to pursue a life of mediocrity. Yet many of us find ourselves on the path of least resistance, whether we meant to be or not. Then we find ourselves searching for meaning, fulfillment, growth and impact, but not finding them. That’s because we’re on the wrong path. We need to move from a life of mediocrity to a life of stewardship.
Generosity encircles us throughout the Christmas season. This may not be evident while jockeying for position at checkout lines with other shoppers. However, Christmas reminds us of God’s generosity in sending Jesus to heal our brokenness and, in response, compel our generosity towards one another. The Christmas season brings a rise in charitable giving and volunteering. We eagerly search for wonderful gifts for our loved ones. There is just something special about Christmas.
Fall is setting in here in Middle Tennessee, and leaves have started changing. This is one of my favorite times of year to hike. My wife and I were out for a hike not long ago, and along the trail we spotted a pair of squirrels chasing each other from tree to tree. They’d run up and around one tree like a corkscrew, spiral back down and leap to another. Watching them play together was a joy. It reminded me how easy it can be to forget to play.
In training and coaching leaders, I invariably get pulled into a discussion about entitlement. “Millennials…” and “Kids these days…” Some even claim it is a societal issue. I can’t really disagree as 1st graders are handed trophies they can barely carry to the car after finishing last in the town soccer league. So, what can we do about it? What kind of example are we setting for those we lead and influence? Could gratitude be the answer? If so, we’ll gain much more than grateful attitudes around the office and dinner table.
I’ve spent some quality time with TSA, flight attendants and fellow travelers of the skies in the past month. On a recent flight to San Francisco, I sat in my seat with my tray table stowed and seat back in its upright position. As I listened ever so intently to the safety brief, I heard something counterintuitive. If you’ve flown on a commercial flight, you’ve likely heard this surprising safety tip too.
Carpe Diam, seize the day, is one of my favorite adages. It is a value I hold, something to aspire to. This attitude begins first thing in the morning. I believe that how we start our day has a direct correlation with the value in the rest of our day. Thus, being intentional to develop a powerful morning routine is essential.
In the hustle and bustle of our busyness, we sometimes struggle to make time for the important things in life. For me, some of those important things include personal and professional development, quiet time and staying in touch with people. What are the things you wish you had more time for?
As I combed my calendar and daily schedule for some gaps, I came across a great discovery. Monday through Friday, I have a fairly consistent block of time with no appointments or requirements. My daily commute is ripe for the picking.
If you are at all like me, then you’re looking for ways to get ahead and make the most of every minute. My commute presented a great opportunity. Perhaps you could get more out of your commute too. Allow me to share with my discovery with you.