Athletes crave peak performance. Once they’ve tasted playing at their best, they search for ways to recreate those performances time and again. However, few reflect on the underlying factors that drive them to be their very best. Coaches can help facilitate the self awareness necessary to increase an athlete’s ability to perform closer to his or her peak more consistently.
How to Accomplish Your Goals: Avoid 8 Common Mistakes
Nearly half of Americans will embark on a new set of goals this week (i.e. New Year’s Resolutions). According to the stats, the vast majority of people who make resolutions will fail to reach their goals – 92%. Furthermore, 24% fall short year after year. That reminds me of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing and expecting different results). Are you one of these people? If so, you likely have a flaw in your achievement strategy. If you’ve struggled to achieve your goals, allow me to show you how to overcome the most common stumbling blocks.
The Perfect Gift: 5 Actions Proven to Help You Rejuvenate
When is the last time you felt rejuvenated? Perhaps it was as long ago as last summer’s beach vacation. Without a regular rhythm of rejuvenation, we feel worn out, run down, stressed, and maybe even a little depressed. That’s not how you want to feel this Christmas! Allow me to share some tips to rejuvenate and reenergize your mind, body, and spirit this holiday season.
Train Like a Jedi: Yoda’s Top 3 Secrets to a Mental Edge
For 800 years have I trained Jedi,” Yoda explained to an impatient Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. In honor of this week’s release of Stars Wars: The Force Awakens, I thought it best that we all sharpen our mental edges through the wisdom of Grand Master Yoda. Much can we learn to toughen our minds if listen we will to Yoda’s instruction.
Why Should You Evaluate Your Leadership Ability Annually?
If your organization is like most, leaders are focused on year end reviews, inventories, or reports. As another year comes to a close we enter a time of reflection and evaluation. If you stop evaluating after reviewing your bottom line, sales numbers, and direct reports, you are making a huge mistake. Let me explain.
How to Empower Athletes to Embrace Their Nerves
Give Thanks: How to Share the Gift of Gratitude
Thank you” is an oft overlooked phrase that has the power to transform both our minds and our bodies.
I keep a simple thank you card on my desk. My wife gave it to me exactly one year ago. Every now and then, I read it again and smile. It means much more to me than the words on the card. It kindles gratitude in me, as well as fond memories and warm feelings.
How To Increase Your Productivity With Evernote
I tell everybody I know about Evernote. Please accept my apologies for not raving about it to you yet. Michael Hyatt refers to Evernote as his digital brain. I couldn’t agree more. Any piece of information I want to keep, have access to, or might need again goes into Evernote.
3 Practical Ways to Prevent Incompetence From Wrecking Your Team
How To Help Athletes Focus On What They Can Control
What is your favorite sport blooper? Chances are good that you enjoyed a laugh at the expense of an athlete who wasn’t focused on the right thing at the right time. Bloopers can happen when athletes focus on what is beyond their control (e.g., referees, weather), which quickly builds frustration, stress, and distraction.