5 Powerful Reasons to Stop Sitting and Move More Today

We are sedentary for 21 hours a day, according to juststand.org. The Washington Post wrote that the average office worker sits for about 10 hours a day, a combination of work and at-home chair-surfing. It’s a no-brainer that all this sitting is bad for your health. Yet many of us are unknowingly putting ourselves at risk for major health problems. 

What Is The Essential Factor For Building Successful Teams?

The axiom,“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” originated with Aristotle. In today’s culture this is perhaps more evident than ever. Leadership, human resources, and coach education programs emphasize the value of teamwork. Those who actively foster a team environment in their organizations are the ones who rise to the pinnacle of their chosen fields. Countless examples serve as evidence. Whether you are an athletic coach, business manager, or founder of a small start up, building an excellent team will sky rocket your success.

How to Develop a Possibility Mindset, Not a Limited One

When it comes to success, there are two types of people in the world: those who take ownership and those who don’t. The people who don’t take ownership become victims to their current realities. They struggle to see beyond the here and now. You might say those folks lack imagination. However, those who take ownership see their current realities as a temporary pitstops on the way to a better life. They have a vision for the life they aim to live, and they work towards that vision daily.

How to Be Mentally Tough Between Points: 3 Quick Steps

Athletes must have a short memory is an adage you’ve probably heard before. A player may drop a touchdown pass or kick in the tying goal. However, what’s about to happen next is what’s most important. Athletes need to quickly get ready for the next play or get back on defense. How can you help athletes reset during the tiny breaks in action so that they can stay focused?

4 Powerful Ways to Prevent Burnout

Burnout is rampant. Americans, especially, are working more hours than ever and sleeping less than ever before. Sadly, the United States is the only developed country that doesn’t guarantee workers paid vacation. Burnout seems inevitable. Indeed, it is a worldwide issue. However, burnout is NOT a foregone conclusion and you CAN proactively buffer yourself from it.

How to Coach Your Team Through Anxiety on Opening Day

It is the time of year for season openers. Some have already begun. For a lot of athletes, the first game of the season is accompanied by excitement and anxiety. While a little excitement will keep them on their toes, too much anxiety can be a disaster. Below, I’ll share two tools with which you can equip your team to be at their best on opening day. 

How To Read More Books In Less Time

You’ve heard before that readers lead and leaders read. Harry S. Truman said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” Clearly reading is important for self-development, growth, learning, and much more. The challenge I’ve run into is time. I wish I had more time to read. Perhaps you’ve run into the same challenge. Is there a way to read more in the midst of all our busyness? Yes.

How to Increase Employee Engagement: 5 Free Tools

A Gallup report from June 2015 revealed that only 31.9% of U.S. workers are engaged in their jobs. Furthermore, only 13% of those surveyed are highly engaged at work. Yikes! What does that mean? More importantly, what can leaders do about it? As someone who is passionate about encouraging people to do what they love and love what they do, I have to speak up.