How To Shed Light On The Lies That Inhibit Delegation

“I’ll just do it myself.” Have you let that sentence pass your lips before? I know I have. Delegation can be a serious challenge for leaders. Often those in a leadership role got there by doing all things themselves and doing them with excellence. It can be hard to ease off the reins. However, for teams and businesses to grow, leaders must overcome their internal barriers and delegate.

8 Tips to Avoid Distraction and Boost Productivity

Progress and accomplishment increase motivation and energy. Distractions, on the other hand, suck the wind out our sails and leave us feeling drained. Yet, if we can remove our distractions and overcome them, we’ll gain great satisfaction in our work. We’ll feel as if we achieved something…because we did.

Is the Word “Don’t” Sabotaging Your Communication?

This is a test. Don’t think of a red apple. Don’t think of a yellow taxi. Don’t think of a cup of coffee. Did you follow my instructions? If you’re human, probably not.

Our brains play tricks on us. They filter out key information. As you just experienced, one way your brain does this is by blinding you to the word “don’t.” 

How to Top Off Your Energy Tank by Being Strategic with Rest

I have friends that are superhuman. They are always on the go, have a new project in the works and accomplish far more than I do in 24 hours. Does this describe someone you know?

You wonder how they never burn out. You ask yourself, “Do they ever stop to rest?” Might it be that you aren’t getting the whole story? What truly allows them to be at their best, display excellence and stay energized?

How to Help Your Team Keep Their Heads in the Game

In competition, athletes often get distracted by thoughts, fears and forecasts. This creates added stress and takes focus and concentration away from the current play. Performance plummets, mistakes are made and the player struggles to get his or her head back in the game. What if you could help athletes stay focused in the present? 

Why Should Leaders Encourage Employees to Get More Sleep?

News Flash: We need more sleep! Most Americans get only 6 hours of sleep per night, according to Dr. Daniel Amen, author of Making a Good Brain Great.

Should employees’ sleep habits become part of a company’s conduct policies alongside drug use, sexual harassment, and drinking? In some professions, being intoxicated on the job is grounds for termination or even losing your license to practice.  A lack of sleep can produce the same level of impairment. Yet, America’s workforce continues to operate at less than its best day after day.

How to Conserve Willpower & Boost Goal Achievement with Implementation Intentions

Why is it that only 8% of people fulfill their New Year’s Resolutions? Recent research on willpower sheds light on why we struggle. More importantly, it also points us to one profound tactic that can help us take control, follow-through and actually achieve our goals.

You Were Created for a Life of Excellence

Lou Holtz said, “I can’t believe that God put us on this earth to be ordinary.” And I agree with him. We, all human beings, were created to live a life of excellence.

Contrary to Abraham Maslow’s “psychopathology of the average,” we weren’t created to drift along the path of least resistance, lulling ourselves into meaningless toil. We were created to build, do, create and make an impact in the world around us.

What Sir Winston Churchill Taught Me About Mindset and Leadership

As an adolescent, this young man was rebellious, had the lowest grades in his class, suffered a speech impediment and was incessantly rebuked by his parents for his lack of conformity. However, Winston Churchill overcame countless obstacles and rose to the position of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1940.  Churchill was one of the greatest wartime leaders of the 20th century, an exceptional writer, politician and much more. As leaders, there is much we can learn from Winston Churchill.