Mental Rehearsal: From Saving Lives to Winning at Work

To begin our adventures in 2013, my wife, Laura, and I took a walk on the moon. Okay, well, not quite. Actually, we visited White Sands National Monument in New Mexico. Prior to our exploration of what seemed like another world, we surveyed the exhibits and learned about what makes White Sands so special. We learned that these beautiful gypsum dunes are constantly moving and changing. While some dunes move only a few feet per year, others are making strides of up to 30 feet per year. That just blew me away. The dunes that move the furthest are changing the most and do so as they gain and lose tiny particles of the gypsum every day. It happens little by little.
The purpose of this blog is to inspire people to pursue their true potential.
I focus on helping you get the most out of your passions, talents, gifts and abilities, and maximizing your strengths. I encourage you to think of possibilities and opportunities not limitations and challenges. I aim to equip you to excel, grow, overcome, flourish and pursue your true potential, everyday.
This blog is one way I do that. Additionally, I provide professional training, coaching, consulting and speaking services tailored to your needs that equip you to be your very best in work, play and life.
On this blog, you will find practical insights and tools that inspire and equip you to pursue your true potential. Enjoy!