Why do 92% of people fail to reach their New Year’s goals? They don’t have the commitment, resilience, and determination to see their resolution through. Perhaps they just lack an effective plan. Avoid becoming a statistic in 2017 and set yourself up for success. Set big goals. Make 2017 the best year ever – in sports, work, or life.

There is a big difference between a dream and a goal. Author and speaker Willie Jolley said, “A goal is simply a dream with a deadline.”
Think Big for 2017
However, a compelling goal, one that inspires us to fully commit to it, has a few additional qualities.
The following 4 qualities of compelling goals greatly increase our chances of turning our dreams into our reality.
Values-based. Your goals should stem from your WHY – why you do what you do the way you do it. Connect your goals to your fundamental values to maximize determination. Goals rooted in values are the goals that get accomplished when the going gets tough.
Incentive. Your goals should have an exciting pay off. What do you stand to gain once you accomplish the goal? Career advancement, healthier body, peer acknowledgement, personal satisfaction, more money…? A compelling goal has a defined upside.
Deadline. This separates a dream from reality. There is just something magical about deadlines. They are a catalysts. We want to meet them. We don’t want to fail. Setting a deadline creates the urgency you need to begin making progress today!
Specific. You can’t cross the finish line if you don’t know what the line looks like when you get there. I don’t know what “lose weight” looks like. But you’ll know without a doubt when you’ve lost 15 lbs. and kept it off for 6 weeks. Now that’s specific! A compelling goal is well defined with no wiggle room for a participation trophy.
Make 2017 Your Best Year Ever
Stephen Covey nailed it when he coined the phrase, “Begin with the end in mind.”
If you want to make 2017 your best year yet, you’ve got to begin with the end in mind. You have to focus on a compelling goal – one that meets the 4 qualities above.
Envision what you want to be true for your life, your team, your family at the end of 2017.
Get clear on what it will be like, feel like, and look like to achieve it.
Maybe your goal is to…
– win a conference championship.
– turn battered program around.
– have a winning season.
– establish a dynasty.
– get a better job.
– grow your income.
– improve a relationship.
– be debt free.
Whatever your goal is, I want to help you get there.
Take Control of 2017
If you are tired of not achieving your goals, or you really want to accomplish something special – making 2017 your best year yet, you definitely want to sign up for this free webinar.
Reserve you spot now. There are several options to fit your schedule. The first one is today!
It is called 7 Steps for Taking Control of 2017.
In it you’ll discover:
– The one overlooked strategy that will increase your success rate by 43%.
– How to “quit-proof” your goals and finally achieve what you set out to do.
– The secret to making it through the “messy middle” when the going gets tough.
– One commonly toted best practice to goal setting that may be sabotaging your success.
New York Times bestselling author, Michael Hyatt, will be leading the way and sharing these 7 steps with you. When you register, you can even submit a specific question for Michael to cover during the webinar.
I’ve attended many of Michael’s webinars over the last few years and they are always action-packed with tons of practical tips and strategies to set me up for success. This one is no different! You don’t want to miss it.
You can reserve your spot here.
Make 2017 Your Best Year Ever
I’ve personally taught goal setting to thousands of people and continue learning better ways to set, plan, and achieve goals.
One thing I’ve learned is that now is the time to start planning for 2017. Christmas will be here before you know it. And soon, it will be January and you’ll be back at the grindstone wondering when you’ll have time to slow down and be more intentional.
Now is the time! Do yourself, your family, and your team a favor…sign up for the free webinar and make the most of 2017.
P.S. If you’ve got too much to do, too little time, and don’t want to leave your success up to chance, click here and sign up for the best goal setting course on the planet – 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever! The price goes up this Thursday at midnight. Check it out.
Question: What is your greatest obstacle to achieving your biggest goals? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below, or on Facebook or Twitter.
- Free Webinar: 7 Steps For Taking Control of 2017
- Course: 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever